Christmas Quotes

Hello everybody! And welcome back to another Blogmas post, it’s time to reveal the 23th window of the advent calendar. I can’t believe that this is actually the last post before Christmas Eve. So I tried to make a good one.

If you are new here let me give you a warm welcome and introduce you Blogmas by Marioness, a huge advent calendar. By that I mean that every single day I will be posting something about Christmas. So let Christmas begin and subscribe to this blog to help me sparkle it!

Now that Christmas is literally tomorrow I’m going to share with you a bunch Christmas quotes that are going to put instantly in the Christmas mood for tomorrow. Here you will find from funny Winter quotes to more deep Christmas quotes. Let me know in the comments what plans you have for tomorrow.

I also want to share with you an easy DIY that you can do with these quotes, but you will have to keep it for next year! So at the start of the month I decided to do an Advent Calendar by myself and it consists of a different Christmas quotes everyday until Christmas. Just a quick idea for next Christmas! Or you can also use it as a wallpaper for your phone or to make a cool Christmas collage.

But now, let’s start with the post! I hope you like it and that you get involved with the Christmas cheer!

And that’s all for today’s post! I hope you liked it and that you are super excited for Christmas!

Also tell me in the comments which one you like the most. And how has my Blogmas gone so far! I want to know your opinion!

See you tomorrow with a very Christmassy post!



12 thoughts on “Christmas Quotes”

  1. awesome quotes!!! :D I can’t believe its Christmas eve already… and that Blogmas is over!! I have really enjoyed ur Blogmas, and its been so cool having someone else who is doing their first one too :) have a great Christmas!! :D xx

    Liked by 3 people

  2. I really enjoyed blogging. I was waiting every day to reading it and taking advantage of the goods ideas you are proposing.
    Wishing you a HAPPY 2017.

    Liked by 2 people

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