New In My Closet

Hello everybody and welcome back to my blog! Today I’m bringing another fashion post here. Because, you know, we both love that kind of post, me writing them and you reading them! So if you want me to continue with more fashion posts let me know it in the comments.

Over the last months, I have added to my wardrobe some really cool clothes, that’s why I’m so happy to share them with you. Here, you will find a little bit of everything from sport clothes to accessories trough jerseys. So I hope you can get some ideas for your next purchase. Let’s get started with the post!

Remember, I will try to link all down below or if I can’t find it, a similar piece!

First things first, we are going to start with accessories.

This winter , I got two new gloves and I’m so thankful about because we have had low temperatures here. The pink ones are for the everyday use and they add a touch of colour to your look. Another amazing thing about it is that you can use the phone with them! And the black ones are for running, to keep you warm while you work out.

Then we have an amazing pair of black boots, I love them! I wanted them for quite a long time, but all what I saw where shoes with platform or heels and I wanted a flatter one. So when I saw this I was really happy about it!

I also got a really cute handbag that is made of felt and the strip is in a burdeos color. This colour combination is so good and it’s the perfect complement to a more formal look.

And to conclude the section, we have an adorable scarf-hat if that’s how you say it. It’s really warm and original with the two ears.

Moving into sweaters, I’m in love with this blue velvet jumper. As you know, velvet is a huge trend right now and I really like to wear this and combine it. It’s so soft, cozy and warm. It’s a most for this season!

And we also have two grey sweaters, one is lighter and for an informal wear and the other is thicker and warm. The lighter one, it gives an sporty look to your look because it has a hood. And the other is just perfect for every outfit.

And I couldn’t miss this really cute PJ I got for Christmas. Perfect for the holiday season and so comfortable. It instantly makes you think of Christmas.

Shirts section! I got a beautiful blue striped shirt that I just love. I find it so original and it’s fun to see with what I can pair with it. I have recently seen this type of pattern a lot, but with this shirt is the best.

I also got a shirt for when the hot weather arrives. It’s simple, but with an elegant touch given by the golden letters. It says BONITA, the Spanish word for beautiful and I think I’m going to wear it a lot when the sunny days came.

Next we have a floral dress. I have wanted one for so long and I finally got it! The floral dark pattern, it’s also a trend these days, so it’s perfect. It’s really comfortable and I usually pair it with the grey sweater I mentioned above.

Finally, we move to the outdoor clothing. And we have no more and no less than a bomber! It’s in a military colour and I can’t stop wearing it. It goes with every outfit and it’s warm. So for those days is the best.

And we also have a running jacket that goes with the black gloves. I love the colour of this jacket and it’s so useful if you run.

And that’s all for this long post. I hope you really like it and that you get some inspiration for your next purchase.

Let me know in the comments which piece you like the most and if you have any post suggestion I will keep them in mind!



Ps. Thanks for 308 followers! You are amazing! Thanks for being so supportive, thanks for those who read the blog, comment in the posts or follow me. Anything of this could be possible without you. I hope this blog continues growing as much as it has done this last month with all you! THANK YOU!




Pink Gloves:–id_8313216.html

Running Gloves:

Felt Burdeos Handbag(similar):

Scarf – Hat (similar):


Pants (similar):



Double Agent Jersey (link to the web):

Velvet Sweater:

Grey Sweater (similar):


Springfield Striped Shirt:

Zara “BONITA” Shirt (link to the web):


Floral Dress (similar):


Zara Bomber:

Running Jacket (similar): 

19 thoughts on “New In My Closet”

  1. Such a good post idea, I love the thought of seeing peoples closets and their array of clothing! I love that your closet is full of color, you have a great assortment of different options. Unlike my closet thats pretty much all black for the most part lol

    xo, JJ

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you girl! Me too, that’s why I wrote that post! Hahaha!
      Thank you it is, but a black closet is also a good option because pretty much everything goes with everything!


  2. […] recently got two velvet jerseys one you have already seen it here, but the other is new for you. So I decided to make two different outfits and share them with […]


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