One last time

First of all, thank you! I’m not quite sure if at this point, after months of not writing here, someone is reading this but just in case, thank you. Thanks to this blog and its readers for these four years and what they have brought me. It has indeed been a great experience, something I have enjoyed doing (almost) every week, a place for me to share my interests and a source of learning.

In my latest post, I said I was taking a short break to concentrate on my final exams and to think about what I wanted to do. Well, here we are, a few months later and I have decided to write the final post of Marioness, at least for the foreseeable future. Today, I’m putting an end to what has been my small corner of the Internet. Nonetheless, Marioness will remain open so that everyone can still read the blog.

I do not intend this to be a long post, but I wanted to properly say goodbye. It is with a bit of sadness that I write this, however, I feel like it is the right time to do it. Even so, I’m grateful for what this blog has meant to me and happy about what the future may hold. This September, I’m starting a new chapter of my life and with it, some projects must end while others will come.

So one last time, thank you and goodbye.

Love, M.