Orange Cupcakes

Hello everybody and welcome back to my blog!

Today I wanted to share with you a really simple recipe that tastes so yummy. And it’s some super easy to do Orange Cupcakes.

I did them last week (If you follow me on Instagram you may already seen them, if not, I don’t know what you are waiting for!) and they turned up delicious so I decided to explain you how to do them.

These are really simple cupcakes, but you add a twist to them by putting orange juice and some little chunks of orange. So I think they are such a good option for a quick dessert or sweet snack. Down you will find all the ingredients and the recipe!


(for 8 cupcakes/ 40 minutes)

– 1 Yogurt

– 3 Eggs

– 2 Measures (of the pot yogurt) of sugar

– 3 Measures of flour

– 1 Measure of oil

– 1/2 Bag of yeast

– 2 Natural oranges


1. Whisk up the yogurt with the eggs and the sugar. Separately mix the yeast with the flour and pour them into the mix.

2. Mix it. Add the oil and whisk it again. Now the main recipe is done.

3. Now, clean and wipe 1 orange. Then, peel the outside skin and cut it in small pieces. After, squeeze the juice of the two oranges.

4. Add the juice to the mixture and mix again.

5. Finally, it’s time to put the mix to the mold. But first, put some butter at the bottom of the container. Then, pour the mix without filling it until the top.

6. Now, you can add some chunks of orange peel to add it a better taste. Or I would add it some orange scratch as it tastes better.

7. It’s time to cook them for 30 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius. After this, they will be ready to eat!

And that’s it, as you have seen is a really simple recipe, but that turns out delicious. So I encourage you to try it out and to tell me in the comments how it was.

I hope you liked it and that I gave you some ideas for the next time you step inside a kitchen!

Love, M.

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16 thoughts on “Orange Cupcakes”

  1. Hey! Is anyone going to try it! If you do, let me know in the comments and if you post it on Instagram tag me to see it!
    It tastes really yummy!


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