8 Things That Make Autumn


Hello everybody! Today I wake up with a very autumnal day and after all the Halloween posts I decided to share with you 8 things that remind me a lot of Autumn and some photos that have a very Autumn feeling. I always thought that Autumn is a period where things change and I love all the atmosphere that this season brings, the colours, the air, the cold temperatures but the cozy houses and that it’s nearly Christmas. So let’s sparkle all the Autumn feeling around! I hope you like it!

  1. Cozy jumpers

First of all cozy jumpers, it’s that time of year when thick jumpers appear in your wardrobe. As well as you can’t scape of going with multiple layers because temperatures vary during the day. And what’s better than put on a cozy jumper during cold days and watch a movie or read your favourite book?

2.The sound of leaves creak under your feet

Listening to this sound is the perfect sign that Autumn is here and that all the leaves are flying around us. And it also means that the colour of the trees is changing. Going for a long walk into the nature and see all the amazing things that Autumn bring is just amazing.

3. Cold nose and freezing air

Who doesn’t know the sensation of a cold nose in a freezing morning when you just want to go inside and heat your entire body especially your feet and nose. And let’s talk about those Autumn days where you have to wear a million of clothes because if you don’t it’s just really freezing.

4.Rainy days reading a book

Rain plus book makes the perfect combo to spend a free time, specially afternoons during Autumn. It’s so magical to let you take inside the book while you listen to the drops of rain hit the walls or the roof. I really like books, but if you don’t I think that a movie makes the same cozy feeling.

5.Hot chocolate with “churros” or cookies

For me Autumn equals to the start of hot drinks and sweet cookies or “churros”! A typical pastry of where I live. They are both delicious and they warm you up in specially cold days. Perfect for a special afternoon snack.

6. Scarves and wool hats

Let’s get cozy and warm! That means that our scarves and wool hat appear to our daily outfit to keep us as warm as possible. I love how a scarf or a hat can give to your outfit a special touch. And now days there are many different options for all kinds of people so let’s take profit of it!

7. Amazing colours on the trees

Autumn brings a million of different and beautiful colours on the leaves and to the nature. There are all kinds of yellows, oranges, reds, browns.. It’s also a perfect time to take some cool pictures of all the natural things as they have amazing colours!

8. Family Time

And finally it’s time to spend some time with your family all together. We must seize that temperatures don’t allow us to spend time outside so let’s spend time with the people we love. We can organize some games, a meal or just talk and have a wonderful time with family.

And that’s my list of 8 things that make Autumn what it is. Of course, there are many other things that we can add to this list, so share it in the comments down below which thing or things make you more excited for Autumn or what you love the most. Let’s make this list longer!

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Happy November!



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